Sunday, June 15, 2014

Matter and Energy, and Love

E = MC squared

We know matter and energy are interrelated.  The power of nuclear fission and fusion are clear.

Break down atoms and energy is released.  Large amounts of energy. 

What about more subtle energies? 

Shine a light on some electrons and they are shunted to a higher energy state.  They then fall back down to their original energy state and release energy, often at a lower, but sometimes higher, wavelength.

What about “subtle energy?” 

Mostly in the realm of what is termed “pseudoscience.” 

Yet, many of us feel there is something else out there.  Perhaps not yet well explained by “consensus reality.” 

What is the energy that is generated when we are deeply present with another? 

What is the energy when we massage another human, or animal? 

Is it simply our emotions?  What is the energy of emotion? 

Dare we ask, “What is the energy of love?” 

What happens when we touch another, with deep loving presence? 

It can be a deep hug.  It can be looking deeply into another’s eyes. 

Perhaps it can simply be holding hands, or a light touch in passing. 

Yeah, we can get lost in the sex thing, that ol’ sexual desire. 

Created by this desiring mind. 

What if we transcend this idea of sex? 

What if we decide to rest only in the connection of 2 beings. 

Maybe, perhaps, keeping Truth present. 

The Truth present at the highest level, is that there are not 2 beings. 

Only Source is present. 

Can we be with this paradox. 

Source is playing its game. 

Can we enjoy this game along with Source?    

Can we enjoy the energy generated of being with “another?” 

Can we enjoy the beautiful sexuality whether overt or hidden? 

Perhaps this can only occur with “right living.”   

Sexuality only present when it is not harmful to ourselves, or others. 

On the other hand, there is a huge range of what we label as “sexual activity.”  

I live a fairly conventional life compare to some. 

But, I applaud everyone who considers love to be central to their life. 

Well, as long as they follow the 3 commandments, in strict order: 

          1-There is only one Source.

                    2-Love everything.

                              3-Enjoy yourself.

Enjoying the energy of being with another. 


May you each enjoy this powerful energy. 

The energy of love. 

Feel it reverberate within you and lift up the entire Cosmos. 



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