1-There is only One Source.
Then I wondered, would people feel that had to be perfect in
following these Commandments? What if
you were my friend, and you screwed up.
You did something that put Enjoy Yourself ahead of Love
Everything. Maybe, you had a steamy
affair. Or, you hurt someone for what,
at the time, looked like a good cause.
Would you be afraid that I would think badly of you?
First of all, that would assume that I did everything
perfectly myself.
And that would be a wrong assumption.
I am human, just like everyone else. I mess up just as often. Well, I never had an affair. But, I have many other faults.
I can be jealous of others.
Perhaps they don’t have to work.
Or, maybe they don’t work any harder than I do, but make loads more
I have my hungry ghosts and I spend a bit more than I really
The key is Radical Acceptance.
I forgive myself for those transgressions. I try not to shoot that second arrow.
Yes, following the 3 Commandments in strict order can be
helpful in living a less stressful life.
But, forgive yourself when you are not perfect.
And, forgive me when I am not perfect.
Then we can travel together, laughing at our
nice red wine…
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