Saturday, December 9, 2023

Touch during Psychedelic Therapy

Another interesting conversation with my wife this morning.  

We were involved in a study of psilocybin together, developing a training program for guides as well as guiding together.  I was also one of the supervising physicians, my wife was the lead guide and trainer.  

My wife also worked with MDMA therapy and is a certified guide, trained under MAPS.  She is also an RN, certified yoga teacher, body work therapist, certified in massage therapy and has trained and practiced Jin Shin Jyutsu energy medicine.  

We both share a long-term interest in complementary and alternative medicine.  

We are both comfortable with therapeutic touch.    

We both strongly believe that there should be no sexual touch within the practice of psychedelic therapy.  

We started out discussing, the risks and benefits of touch during psychedelic therapy.

So, of course, I started to write an outline for levels of how we might work with the body during therapy.  

1) Body Awareness.  

For instance, such as Gendlin focusing:  “It involves holding a specific kind of open, non-judging attention to an internal knowing which is experienced but is not yet in words. Focusing can, among other things, be used to become clear on what one feels or wants, to obtain new insights about one's situation, and to stimulate change or healing of the situation. Focusing is set apart from other methods of inner awareness by three qualities: something called the "felt sense", a quality of engaged accepting attention, and a researched-based technique that facilitates change.”

We have also been taught and practiced, for me particularly during meditation, directing our consciousness to any areas of which we become particularly aware, perhaps an area that might feel cold or hot, feel pressure, or might be numb or painful.  

Specific body awareness can also be used in various forms of Guided Imagery.

The guide might ask what it might be like if you touched yourself in a certain, nonsexual, area, or asking what it would be like if someone else touched that nonsexual area.  

2) Self-Touch

Spontaneous Self-Touch.  As a guide we can be aware when someone is spontaneously touching a part of their body.  This may give us information about what is going on either consciously or unconsciously.  We may ask about this at the time we notice the touch or save that questioning for later.  

Directed Self-Touch.  Someone might be experiencing distress, and we might intuit that placing their own hand over a nonsexual area, perhaps, their heart or abdomen, may help to focus or clarify their feelings.  

During Holotropic Breathwork we were shown how to take a rolled-up handkerchief or towel and self-hold it at the front of our neck with some light pressure, to help stimulate the arising of unconscious information. 

Then there are also possible self-touch behaviors that might be disturbing.  For instance, how would you act if a person under the influence of psychedelic medicine started to masturbate?

3) Touch by the Guide.  

Here we get into more risky behaviors.  Many therapists have been trained to never touch the client.  

We recommend always obtain consent before, and during, the dose day, and always practice any possible touch before the dose day.  

Within concern for risks, this is also a good reason to have 2 guides present during dose day, and, perhaps, to have consent to videotape sessions.  

We have usually practiced grasping hands to forearms.  This is probably the least risky touch.  

Next level might be to practice the guide touching a client’s shoulder, to see if that is comfortable.  

There can be great comfort and healing with hugs, perhaps feeling cuddled or cradled.  However, this is more likely where sexual boundaries can be crossed.  

It can be even more risky when a client asks you to hold a sensitive, but clearly not a sexual, area such as their neck.  

During Holotropic Breathwork we experienced, with consent, someone applying strong pressure to the back or chest, as a form of resisting body work.  You may wish to use a pillow as part of this kind of therapy.  

You may wish to inquire as to how firm a touch is requested?  A firm touch may be grounding, or a feeling that the guide might be pulling them up from the abyss.  A light touch may be just as helpful and healing.  

As a guide, you may want to contemplate what level of touch is comfortable for you.  Not everyone is comfortable with touch.  Perhaps hugging a client is too much for you.  There are other methods, you could keep a teddy bear or a pillow in the room for hugging.  It might be important to explore your own comfort in depth before entering into this field.  

4) Body Work.

There are many forms of so-called “Body Work.”  Some do not involve touch at all, particularly certain forms of energy work.

Non-touch formal types of body work might be Hakomi, somatic experiencing, reiki, qigong.  

Light-touch body work might be craniosacral, Alexander, Feldenkrais.   

Stronger-touch body work might be shiatsu, reflexology, Rolfing, chiropractic, massage.  

These are not complete lists of types of body work.  

One would only contemplate using these techniques with formal training.  

Most would likely use these for integration rather than during a session.  

Again, consent is always required.  

My wife brought up an interesting question of what constitutes “consent” when someone is currently under the influence of psychedelic medicine?  

Drugs such as MDMA, as well as classic psychedelics, may promote a feeling of closeness and warmth for others, this may be a risk for crossing sexual boundaries.  

Also, there is often an increase in emotional sensitivities, perhaps the client might feel they would be causing upset if they refused offered touch.  

Drugs such as Ketamine, at certain doses, may have an effect of damping down skin sensations, your body may feel “wooden.”  How would that effect any possible touch by the guide?  

As always, we do not feel we have the last word on any of these subjects.  

We are most interested in starting and promoting ongoing conversations.    

What we would advocate is attention to touch in any psychedelic training program, attending to risks, benefits, ethics.  

And, as always, we would advocate for further research into the possibilities of using touch during psychedelic therapy.


Friday, November 24, 2023

Thoughts on Thoughts

There are many teachings on how to deal with thoughts that arise during meditation.  

One can observe the thought arising and let it drift away like clouds in the sky.  

One can label a thought, either more specifically such as, “planning,” “memory,” etc, or less specifically as “thinking, thinking, thinking,…”  Then let it drift away…   

One can use a visualization, such as standing with a sword and cutting off the thought as it arises, specifically, not suppressing any thoughts arising.   

If it might be an important thought, we might keep a journal and pen nearby, or even pick up our phone, and write down something that we think might be profound.  We must be careful, for this is another way of getting lost in the thought.  Perhaps write something brief, and then let it go…  and not do this practice too often…  

Often beginners are taught to count the breaths, perhaps to 10, and watch when you lose count, and begin again…     

Then perhaps to simply watch the breath, perhaps noticing the sensations at the nose, or the abdomen…  

One can concentrate on a flickering candle, even an LED candle, for safety…

Some practices teach by methods of using a mantra, or chanting, to occupy the monkey mind…  

One can count or pray, or just use the sensation, of a mala or rosary beads, passing through the fingers…  

There are multitudes of methods…  

I learned of a new one last night, we had our niece over for thanksgiving dinner, and she was describing a method she was taught, where you visualize the thought as a flower, you then reach out and grasp the flower, then bring it into your hand, creating a bouquet that you can hold…   interesting!

Many of these methods are to practice being still and developing the power of concentration…  

The next step after concentration, may be the arising of a quiet mind…  

However, the more you pursue the quiet mind, the more it slips away…  

This is a process of letting go…  

Letting go of anything that is not the quiet mind…  

The other day when meditating, during quiet mind, arose a feeling of “Just This…” 

The feeling became the words, “just this.”   

Then I started writing this Blog entry in my mind, and was lost for few moments…  

I did jot down this brief thought, on my phone, and then let go, slipping back into quiet mind…  

One can use events, memories, recurrent thoughts, as a practice of letting go…  

Our dog ate something and vomited right on my meditation cushion and mat, and we had to wash everything off, yuck!    

I was subsequently meditating on why would my dog vomit, specifically, on my sacred space…  

Of course, my dog does not know this is my sacred space, he just found a place to vomit…  

So, I used this as a practice, it became a short practice of another letting go, every space is a sacred space, and nowhere is a sacred space… another truth in paradox…  

The difficulties with recurrent thoughts and memories related to complex trauma and PTSD, I will leave to others, I am not an expert in this field…   

Another night in quiet mind, arose thoughts of when does “The Witness, The Observer,” drop away…   

Since this was interesting, I let these thoughts unfold…  

What arose for me was that, perhaps, The Witness may observe “All-That-Is,” but is unable to observe “All-That-Is-Not…”  

When The Witness drops away, might arise resting in “All-That-Is-Not…”  

Arising of pure potential…  

Resting in pure consciousness…  

Pure subjectivity…  

Without a thinker…  


Perhaps requires further contemplation…  



Sunday, May 14, 2023

Destiny Mates

“Soulmates. One experience is that they usually recognize each other almost instantly, no matter if they are biological, transformational, or transcendental soulmates. A second quality is that they have removed all barriers to love and come from a sense of fullness instead of need or lack. A third quality is that they are devoted to facing all challenges in life and avoiding nothing to live together/procreate, to learn, heal, grow, and awaken together, and to make the world a better place.”

The above is from Martin Uciks’ introduction to this movie as part of his teachings on Integral Relationships:  

Module 24 - Grace and Grit (2021)

 “…this movie that is based on Ken Wilber’s book Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber”

I very much resonate with this description as to what unfolded within my wife’s and my relationship…  

However, I have written before about my difficulty with the term “Soul”  

Just seems to be so poorly defined:

I won’t go back into my difficulties with this term here, I outlined them quite well in my that blog... 

So, I will, as usual, be a Heretic and propose a new term to replace “Soulmates” with “Destiny Mates.”  

A few comments:

1-We did recognize each other immediately…  

 However, we met later in life and agreed to be friends, before exploring physical intimacy…  

Additionally, there is a strong feeling of having met before, actually, to have been in a significant intimate relationship…

To feel that we were destined to be together, yet, holding that, when we first met, this was not quite yet the right time…  

And, to be honest, I thought she was so attractive, that she would have been whisked away by some other being, before I was ready to be in relationship with her…  

2-We came together only after being as close as we could to “come from a sense of fullness.” 

This is most important, I see this as taking the time to grow yourself as an individual, first in relationship to yourself, particularly, to become self-aware of your projections, emotional reactivities, and personality tendencies…  

3-I very much resonate with this passage:  “devoted to facing all challenges in life and avoiding nothing to live together/procreate, to learn, heal, grow, and awaken together, and to make the world a better place.”  

You are each dedicated to your own personal growth and evolution, only then can you be dedicated to your partner’s growth…

Additionally, by phone and letters, we discussed at length, wishes and desires within a mindful relationship.  

We used this book as a basis of pre-intimate relationship exploration:  

Hogan, Eve.  2000. Intellectual foreplay.  Questions for lovers and lovers to be.  Hunter House, Alameda, CA   

Additional references on Conscious Relationship here:

I actually wrote a 5-part blog on Conscious Relationship, Part 2 here:

Thinking about our relationship on this Mother’s Day, because we met in mid-life, we did not get the chance to procreate together…  

However, we have the blessing of grandparenting together, as well as the gift of mentoring students together…  

I do not expect anyone to change their minds about their own definitions of “Soul” or “Soulmate”…  

It is my own Heretic Nature to be as precise as possible…  

While also not falling into the black pit of scientism, that is, preserving the Mystery of Spirit:

As for me…  

We will see if the term “Destiny Mates” ever catches on…  

As I blogged before:  

Perhaps it might be best just hold the unfolding of a beautiful relationship in the words of Iris DeMent’s song used in the second season of “The Leftovers:”

“I think I'll just let the mystery be…” 


Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sanctioned versus Unsanctioned Psychedelic Therapy

We are entering a new era:,with%2050.6%25%20of%20the%20vote.

“The movement to decriminalize psilocybin in the United States began in the late 2010s, with Denver, Colorado becoming the first city to decriminalize psilocybin in May 2019. The cities of Oakland and Santa Cruz, California, followed suit and decriminalized psilocybin in June 2019 and January 2020, respectively. Washington, D.C. followed suit in November 2020, as did Somerville, Massachusetts in January 2021, and then neighboring Bay State town Cambridge, near Boston, and Northampton, in western Massachusetts, in February 2021 and March 2021, respectively. Detroit Michigan in November 2021. Seattle, Washington became the largest U.S. city on the growing list in October 2021.

Supporters of the movement have cited emerging research that indicates potential medical uses for the drug. Oregon voters passed the 2020 Oregon Ballot Measure 109, making it the first state to both decriminalize psilocybin and also legalize its supervised use.[1][2] Colorado followed with the 2022 Colorado Ballot Measure 122.[3] The use, sale, and possession of psilocybin in the United States is illegal under federal law.     …    
In March 2022, Colorado activists picked a psychedelic reform initiative (Proposition 122) out of three other similar initiatives and started a signature campaign to place the measure on the state's 2022 election ballot. By July 2022 the reform initiative made the Colorado ballot for the 2022 midterm elections.[45] The ballot initiative was passed in November 2022 by over 50% of those who voted. It decriminalizes the possession, growing, and sharing of five psychedelics for personal use; these being: psilocybin, psilocyn, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), ibogaine, and mescaline, for those aged 21-years-old and over. The initiative will also legalize "healing centers" that are licensed by the state’s Department of Regulatory Agencies, where those aged 21 and over can buy, consume, and take psychedelics under supervision. This healing center programme is expected to begin in 2024. It will at first only include psilocybin but allows for expansion to include DMT, ibogaine, and mescaline in 2026.”

Additional details here:

There seems to be some worries about the board members chosen to make the rules and costs associated with Colorado licensing clinics and individual sitters and therapists:

My wife heard scuttlebutt about charging $10,000 for clinic and $1,000 for individual licensing, however, that could just be grousing and speculation, I have not been able to document this information using online searching.  

We do know the cost of training for individual psychedelic medicine therapy facilitation can run into the thousands of dollars, and there are a myriad of training courses…  

To be honest and revealing, my wife and I have been associated with the CIIS training program…  

I do not know the quality of the EMBARK program, but they have some good people I know who are affiliated, and it is currently offered for free!
EMBARK Open Access course:

We were part of a Phase 1 trial of psylocibin when we were in Wisconsin, my wife was the lead trainer and lead guide, I was a supervising physician and guide.  We loved working together as guides.

We moved to Colorado in 2016, in part, because we were considering doing psychedelic medicine therapy in our retirement years, perhaps using cannabis, since it is legal here.   

Now there will be the possibility of practicing psychedelic medicine therapy using psylocibin!  

However, psychedelic therapy practice is not necessarily an easy road.  

Marc Aixala outlines a “cartography of (possible) adverse effects” in his book on psychedelic integration:

My wife and I have continued conversations about the current unfolding of psychedelic therapy, often with much dismay at the increasing corporatization of therapy, and training for being a therapist.  

I was thinking about what may unfold as “Sanctioned” versus “Unsanctioned” psychedelic medicine therapies.  

In Colorado I am defining sanctioned therapy as clinics and individuals licensed by the State, DORA, just as I am a licensed physician, my wife a licensed RN.  

Unsanctioned therapy as those practicing psychedelic medicine therapies without State licensing.  

From my understanding, anyone can grow psilocybin mushrooms, the client can grow their own, or the therapist can grow and give the mushrooms away for free, you can probably charge a client as a therapeutic visit, or label yourself a psychedelic sitter, and it (probably) would be all be legal.  

I was wondering about those sanctioned corporations that will cater to the well to do, most would set up luxurious spa-like accommodations, and will charge an exorbitant fee.  

On the other end of the sanctioned spectrum, there may be those who might organize a non-profit, perhaps use a group therapy model, and use sitters and facilitators, perhaps even using nonprofessionals trained “on the job.”  A sliding scale fee system can be used.  This might make psychedelic therapy available to those who are not as well off financially.  

As far as unsanctioned individual therapy, well, there has always been so labeled “underground” therapists...   

The unfolding question is how will unsanctioned therapy change, as the use of many of these psychedelic medicines are now legal, or at least decriminalized?  

Then what happens when there are adverse outcomes? 

Will there be legal challenges to both sanctioned and unsanctioned clinics and therapists? 

Will the big corporations try to shut down the non-profits and unsanctioned therapists?  

If these medications are illegal at the federal level, will practitioners and corporations have similar problems with the financial system as those selling cannabis?  

It is my view, from personal experience and widely reading the existing literature, that psychedelic medicine therapy could transform for the better mental health treatment around the world.  

I am hopeful that these possible perils and pitfalls will not get in the way of helping people in need.   


Monday, April 3, 2023


I have been working over the past months on a blog dealing with the mechanisms of psychedelics in healing, contemplating how these medicines affect conscious and unconscious information.  

Perhaps Direct Effects of increasing awe, appreciation of mystery, feeling of connection to others and everything, losing the fear of death.  

Perhaps Indirect Effects of bringing unconscious information to the conscious mind.  

Perhaps creating more times of positive emotional affect and less negative emotional affect.  

Perhaps leading to more positive behaviors and less negative behaviors.  

I have 6 sheets of yellow paper with notes with lists, boxes, connecting lines and arrows...  

That is how I brainstorm…  

You will have to wait, some blogs are complicated, and I am not ready to put it all together…  

This morning, I was wondering why…  

I have been waylaid by a few good books I’ve been reading, a few amateur radio projects with antennas and radios to optimize and program…  

We had our tween grandchild out for about 10 days…  

The weather is getting nicer and there is cycling to be done…  

I can’t use our dog as an excuse, he is about 2.5 years old, and needs significant attention only about twice a day, sleeping more…  

I wonder if the state of the world is getting in the way of my finishing this piece…  

Reading this morning about the pending Wisconsin Supreme Court election, may make the difference between abortion being available in WI or not, as well as the stranglehold of the legislature on decreasing voting rights…  

Mirroring the overall state of the US…  

Such unconscionable acts against the freedoms of US citizens…  

Of course, the other side is just as adamant that the Democrats are trying to infringe on their rights, such as the right to own certain types of guns…  

Neither side feels safe…  

Neither side feels that they are heard…    

by the Other…  
Of course, there is no Other…  

We are all one mess of Green Slime covering the Earth…  

But that is difficult to discern…   wading around in this muck of being…  

Just as I was writing this blog this Monday morning, my sister texted that she will be giving her talk to the school on the Jewish Holocaust…  

My mother, when she was alive, gave a talk in the schools for many years about her personal experience of the Holocaust.  

My sister carries on giving a talk as a child of Holocaust survivors…

She mentioned it is emotionally wringing…  

I answered:  “I think the current state of the US and the world in general is emotionally wringing…”  

(This messaging is occurring in real time as I am writing!  Must be that mystery of sister-brother connection…)

My Sister:  “It would be interesting if you and Karen did your stories as parallel experiences. You cover three bases and can expand into what the Americans did to the Japanese already here”  

(My Wife, Karen, her mom is from Japan.  Karen, at times, professes she carries the burdens of her Japanese heritage…)

I answered:  “I just write my blog on occasion these days.  I no longer feel pushed to teach and educate in person in front of people…”  

My Sister:  “Different times of life for different things. I feel I have to keep people open to the experiences of others and to the plight of refugees in our country and around the world. The refugee crisis will only get worse and people seem to be more insular and uncaring”

Me:  “Absolutely.  That is why you are saint to put yourself out there and try to make this a better world…   I agree we are in a downhill slide toward authoritarianism and uncaring behaviors, funny I was just in the middle of a blog entry on this, I added some of this messaging conversation!”  

How interesting that I started writing this morning on parallel path with my sister contemplating a talk she is about to give…  

Both contemplating this current unfolding world…  

Now there is Awe and Mystery for you!  
