What a great line…
“The transformation of inner wars into weddings has saved
lives and propagated well-being.”
Well, if you want more, you will have to read Michael
Mahoney’s book
“Constructive Psychotherapy:
Theory and Practice.” Page
Here I am recommending books again…
I have learned much from books.
And directly from living life…
Discussing my mistakes with people who love me…
Sometimes, I pay them for their wisdom…
Sometimes, my insurance has paid them…
Sometimes, they are just gifts.
Sometimes, I am married to that source of wisdom…
I am missing my wife this eve.
She is off to visit family, in part...
More importantly, she is off to do an 8-day silent retreat…
Why are retreats important?
They help turn wars into weddings…
How do they do this?
Usually, they tend to tear us apart.
A retreat can allow us to see our wars…
Directly experience our wars…
Retreats are often terribly boring.
Standard Vipassana retreat =
sitting 45 minutes, alternating with zombie walking 45
You get very focused on when it is time to eat!
You also get to do a 1-hour service job,
I usually tried to get a bathroom-cleaning gig…
Introverts would rather not interact with others…
If you have an inner war going on…
It is going to rise up…
You don’t have much else to focus upon…
It is in your face…
Whatever your inner war may be…
Some selves may be in conflict with others…
I have an acquisitive grasping nature…
I only have so much money to spend…
How do I reconcile my 2 selves?
Sitting quietly, I can see my little selves…
It can be very uncomfortable…
But, looking carefully
Compassion arises
For these little selves
Crying for attention
I was never as successful as I thought I should be…
As others, perhaps, expected this small self to be
Incorporating incompetence into self-esteem…
That is part of the psychology of retreating…
There is more than psychology going on
Most of us have no idea of what we are…
Sitting in meditation…
Experiencing entheogens…
Shamanic journeying…
If we are so graced…
Deep seeing may unfold
Maybe feeling Phase Changes…
Sometimes we are solid as a rock…
Sometimes we are flowing as water…
Sometimes we are as free as air…
That is when we can flow into whatever Phase is needed at
this very moment…
Faster than light…
We are everything…
We are nothing…
Maybe all 3 Phase Changes
At the same time
Hearing, seeing, feeling…
All drops away
Seeing through the little selves…
Being it All…
Being the connection between All…
The Deep Truth
Everything is connected
To everything else
There is no separate self…
There is only One Self
One Taste
That is the Healing
Often we have to find this
Feeling that
Now, Now, Now…
Laughter may arise…
Humble before it All