Reading Adyashanti again…
(esp Chapter 19)
I keep this on my phone to read every once in a while…

I often need reminders
What is True…
And I’ve written about this before…
Enlightenment is a destructive process.
It has nothing to do with becoming
better or being happier.
Enlightenment is the
crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing
through the facade of pretense. It’s the
complete eradication of everything we
imagined to be true.
– Adyashanti
But we are too attached to the lies. We want to
hold on to the illusions and to become enlightened at the same time. That is
not possible. But there are hundreds of phony gurus and “spiritual teachers”
that will tell you it is. They offer you processes to become happy, fulfilled,
calm, find your soulmate, be positive, get the right job, make lots of money,
balance the chakras, become healthy and whatever else you may be desiring. This
has nothing to do with awakening. This is only polishing the ego. They all lead
you right back into the matrix. You may even be lucky enough to get a golden cage,
but it is still a cage, and you remain imprisoned in slavery. This is the road
that most people choose to follow. This road is well traveled by the herd.
Grasping for lovely experiences…
Perhaps thinking that Enlightenment is one lifelong orgasm…
Thinking only gets in the way…
Ask the Awakened: The Negative Way Paperback –
April 1, 2002
“The Negative Way” says it all…
Now Wei Wu Wei is difficult reading,
by design…
Others prefer the writings of Alan Watts, Krishnamurti,
Ramana Maharshi or
Nisargadatta Maharajj… etc…
Read whomever you resonate with…
Then throw it all away…
They are all fingers pointing at the moon…
As painful as the process may be…
Alas, you have to die in the process…
At least the small “s” self has to die…
But, the small “s” self
Always comes back…
Just a little less strong…
You can take it off
Like a comfortable overcoat…
And it is also not so unpleasant…
As Adyashanti says,
“…there is no way you can see the truth and not be giggling
in some way for the rest of your life.”