Monday, December 11, 2017


Let’s start with the Merriam-Webster online dictionary: 
“the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life”

Hmmm…  Just really arouses the Heretic inside… 

Actually, this all came up because my wife is reading Frances Vaughn’s 1995 book “Shadows of the Sacred:  Seeing through Spiritual Illusions”  

She has this book sitting on our shelf as bathroom reading.  So, I picked it up. 

I’ve always loved reading Vaughn’s writing!  (may her memory be for a blessing…) 

Chapter 5 is:  “Awakening the Soul:  Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science”

She reviews the various definitions of soul in religions and philosophies.

I resonate with Ken Wilber’s philosophy about the structure of humans and the Universe.  

So I loved his statement in his book “One Taste,” page 34: 
“you must have noticed that the word ‘soul’ is now the hottest item in the title of book sales—but all ‘soul’ really means, in most of these books, is simply the ego in drag.”   “thus ‘care of the soul’ incomprehensively means nothing more than focusing intensely on your ardently separate self.”  

Now Wilber does not dismiss that something might exist that relates to the word soul.   In this online article he describes the Tibetan description as it relates to dying:

“According to the Tibetans, the subjective experiences that accompany each of what are said to be eight stages of the dissolution are known technically as: “mirage,” “smoke-like,” “fireflies,” “butter lamp,” “white appearance,” “red increase,” “black near-attainment,” and “clear light.” In order to understand these terms, we need a somewhat more precise and detailed version of the Great Chain.  So, instead of our simplified version of body, mind, soul, and spirit, we will use a slightly expanded version: matter, sensation, perception, intention, cognition, psychic, subtle, causal (or formless unmanifest), and spirit (or ultimate).
I like the simpler model he describes of:  Matter – Life – Mind – Spirit. 

Very clear.   The first 3 levels all depend on each other.   Matter – Life – Mind. 

Matter is the most basic building block of the Universe.  And, e = mc2, i.e., matter and energy are interchangeable. 

Life is matter made animate.  Clearly a more complex state of matter.   You can’t have life without matter. 

Mind is a more complex state of life.  You can’t have mind without life. 

Simple holon theory... 

Now the terms soul and spirit makes things a bit more complex. 

I like to define Spirit, I also term this as Source, as All-That-Is and All-That-Is-Not. 

Now there starts the problem.  What do you personally define as Spirit?  How, does that differ from my definition? 

On the surface we all tend to agree on what is matter, life, mind… 


Matter might be easiest. 

As long as you are not a physicist.  Otherwise, you might start arguing about string theory, dark matter, strange matter. 

Most of us would agree on what is matter and what is alive.   We can tell the difference between a rock and a cat… 

But then again, if you are a biologist, you could start arguing about whether viruses and prions are alive. 

Things really start to fall apart when we get to mind. 

So when we read Frances Vaughn’s chapter, we can see how each religion or philosophy has various different definitions for soul.  
Egyptian mythology had 7 souls bestowed in each person by deities at birth. 

Buddhism has a doctrine of anatta “no-soul.”  There is no unchanging self or soul. 

Shamanism is interesting as it defines shamanistic journeys as soul journeys.  Illness is attributed to soul loss.  Practitioners journey to the lower or upper worlds for soul retrieval.   

Early in my own search I went to a shamanistic practitioner, where I felt a loss of feeling in my chest.  He journeyed for me and I felt warmth filling my chest area.  A feeling of a return of wholeness.   Many years later I had spontaneous shamanistic journeys with a power animal during meditative practice.  More recently we took a formal course in journeying, deepening our practice. 

So does that prove anything about souls? 

Of course not… 

Vaughn, following Wiber’s model, postulates, page 122, “soul awakening at the psychic level of consciousness and evolving as witness in the subtle and causal levels.”  And page 124, “The soul seems to be the final identity of the separate self-sense.” 

The heretic in me says…  it is all bullshit… 

Well maybe that's a little strong… 

The space between Mind and Spirit is huge… 

No rational thought can define this gap… 

It is the worlds of religion and philosophy… 

And the worlds we enter within meditation and entheogen journeys… 

There is no clear description, it is ineffable… 

So, feel free to define it in anyway you like… 
Immerse yourself in the possible beauty of these experiences… 

Just don’t expect someone else to agree with your definition of that space… 

As for me… 

Perhaps it might be best just hold it in the words of Iris DeMent’s song used in the second season of “The Leftovers:”

“I think I'll just let the mystery be…” 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Inner Wars into Weddings


What a great line…

“The transformation of inner wars into weddings has saved lives and propagated well-being.” 

Well, if you want more, you will have to read Michael Mahoney’s book
“Constructive Psychotherapy:  Theory and Practice.”  Page 153… 

Here I am recommending books again… 

I have learned much from books. 

And directly from living life… 

Making mistakes… 

Discussing my mistakes with people who love me… 

Sometimes, I pay them for their wisdom… 

Sometimes, my insurance has paid them… 

Sometimes, they are just gifts.

Sometimes, I am married to that source of wisdom…  

I am missing my wife this eve. 

She is off to visit family, in part... 

More importantly, she is off to do an 8-day silent retreat… 

Why are retreats important? 

They help turn wars into weddings… 

How do they do this? 

Usually, they tend to tear us apart. 

A retreat can allow us to see our wars… 

Directly experience our wars… 

Retreats are often terribly boring.

Standard Vipassana retreat =
sitting 45 minutes, alternating with zombie walking 45 minutes… 

You get very focused on when it is time to eat! 

You also get to do a 1-hour service job,

I usually tried to get a bathroom-cleaning gig… 

Introverts would rather not interact with others… 

If you have an inner war going on… 

It is going to rise up… 

You don’t have much else to focus upon… 

It is in your face… 

Whatever your inner war may be… 

You have a multitude of selves, little selves… 

Some selves may be in conflict with others… 

I have an acquisitive grasping nature… 

I only have so much money to spend… 

How do I reconcile my 2 selves? 

Sitting quietly, I can see my little selves… 

It can be very uncomfortable… 

But, looking carefully

Compassion arises

For these little selves

Crying for attention

I was never as successful as I thought I should be… 

As others, perhaps, expected this small self to be

Incorporating incompetence into self-esteem… 

That is part of the psychology of retreating… 

There is more than psychology going on

Most of us have no idea of what we are… 

Sitting in meditation… 

Experiencing entheogens… 

Shamanic journeying… 


If we are so graced… 

Truth can unfold… 

Deep seeing may unfold

Maybe feeling Phase Changes… 

Sometimes we are solid as a rock… 

Sometimes we are flowing as water… 

Sometimes we are as free as air… 

That is when we can flow into whatever Phase is needed at this very moment… 

Faster than light… 

We are everything… 

We are nothing… 



Maybe all 3 Phase Changes

At the same time

Hearing, seeing, feeling… 

All drops away

Seeing through the little selves… 

Being it All… 

Being the connection between All… 

The Deep Truth

Everything is connected

To everything else

There is no separate self… 

There is only One Self

One Taste

That is the Healing

Often we have to find this




Feeling that




Now, Now, Now… 










Laughter may arise… 

Humble before it All



Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Seeing Through the Game

Every moment is a gift…   

Hard to see.

Everyone is doing the best they can…   

Hard to accept.

Forgive them all…   
Hard to do.  

Meditate on these things.  

Perhaps you will be happy…   

Perhaps not…   

There is no free will.

There is no destiny.  

There is no little self.

Letting go of everything being anything other than it is…   

Seeing through the game.

That’s the only game in town… 


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Enlightenment 3

Reading Adyashanti again…  (esp Chapter 19)

I keep this on my phone to read every once in a while…

I often need reminders


What is True… 

And I’ve written about this before…

Enlightenment is a destructive process.
 has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier.
Enlightenment is the

crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing
through the facade of pretense. It’s the
complete eradication of everything we
imagined to be true.
– Adyashanti

But we are too attached to the lies. We want to hold on to the illusions and to become enlightened at the same time. That is not possible. But there are hundreds of phony gurus and “spiritual teachers” that will tell you it is. They offer you processes to become happy, fulfilled, calm, find your soulmate, be positive, get the right job, make lots of money, balance the chakras, become healthy and whatever else you may be desiring. This has nothing to do with awakening. This is only polishing the ego. They all lead you right back into the matrix. You may even be lucky enough to get a golden cage, but it is still a cage, and you remain imprisoned in slavery. This is the road that most people choose to follow. This road is well traveled by the herd.

Grasping for lovely experiences… 
Perhaps thinking that Enlightenment is one lifelong orgasm… 

Thinking only gets in the way… 

Ask the Awakened: The Negative Way Paperback – April 1, 2002
by Wei Wu Wei 

“The Negative Way” says it all… 

Now Wei Wu Wei is difficult reading,

by design… 

Others prefer the writings of Alan Watts, Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi or  Nisargadatta Maharajj… etc…

Read whomever you resonate with… 

Then throw it all away… 

They are all fingers pointing at the moon… 

As painful as the process may be… 

Alas, you have to die in the process… 

At least the small “s” self has to die… 

But, the small “s” self
Always comes back… 

Just a little less strong… 

You can take it off


Like a comfortable overcoat… 

And it is also not so unpleasant… 

As Adyashanti says,

“…there is no way you can see the truth and not be giggling in some way for the rest of your life.” 
