Monday, September 19, 2016

Disease or Gift

Perhaps both


Maybe this is where we were in the past

Maybe this is where we can go in the future

In other cultures schizophrenia is viewed as a gift

Perhaps with a connection to information, unseen or unheard by others

Fibromyalgia, a disease with intense pain and, often, chronic fatigue

Develops mostly in women

Develops mostly in highly sensitive individuals

Perhaps if we saw this sensitivity as a gift

Put this sensitivity to good use

A person sensitive to the emotions of others may be a help to others

In our current culture we “pull ourselves up by the bootstraps.” 

We have to be tough

Sensitive people “need not apply…” 
Sensitive people often end up being abused 

Women, in particular, are expected to do for everyone else

Before taking care of their own needs 

Can we change this love for tough-ness

Can we make room in society for everyone… 

Can we see the gifts that might be brought…     

To the table of our family… 

Instead of pouring money

Down the drain

Using medicines with so many side effects

Often, not very effective

Can we find ways to allow almost all of us to be productive members 

To offer the powerful, unique gifts

We each can bring

Making room at the table… 

For all…  
