Monday, October 31, 2016

Catch Bull At Four

That is the title of the 6th studio album by Cat Stevens. 

The title comes from the 10 Bulls… 

I originally read this in the book: 
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings

Also known as the Ten Ox Herding Pictures.

I’ve kept a small statue on my desk for many years… 

Riding the bull… 

I bought the album just recently. 

Strange story… 

I went to an audiophile meeting. 

At a local Hi-Fi shop here… 

Interesting, the owner was very friendly, always is… 

The audiophiles, about 10 or 15 of them were a little less friendly, less interactive… 

One guy, I met previously, about my age, he was nice, we hung out… 


He said, “maybe I can rent out a kid… “

(… to pay for this $20,000 amplifier…  much less the speakers, turntable, etc…  )

I shot back, “maybe sell one…” 

(Our kids are all grown…  )

I think most of the audiophiles were introverts! 

They played a number of vinyl album cuts… 

To illustrate the several amazing sound systems… 

One was off this album… 
I ordered several albums online that eve… 

Cat Stevens is an introvert… 

Dabbled in Buddhism before converting to Islam. 

Steven Demetre Georgiou Adam, is now known as Yusuf Islam…  

When he took to being a Muslim, he gave up music… 

Now he is back…  touring again… 

Audiophile introverts… 

Introverts seeking enlightenment… 

Audiophiles seeking the holy grail of making their sound system…   

Sound like a live performance… 

We can only get, maybe, 30-40% there… 

Mimicking a live performance… 

Maybe we can get 99.44% to enlightenment… 

Like Ivory Soap… 

Who knows what is true… 

Us humans… 

Chasing after something… 

Not realizing… 

We are always




Monday, October 24, 2016

Multiple Levels of Reality?

Doing that darn meditation thing again… 

At one level we may think we are this 3 pound blob of organized neurons, that creates this thing we call consciousness… 

Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am. 

However, we may have other intelligences that are intimately connected to our 3 pound blob we call our brain.  

Our motor experience may be important.

Our gut, so called second brain, may provide needed information for thinking and acting. 

The physics of reality point to an infinity at both ends of the scale, below quantum particles and that the universe has no edge.   Neither can be proven to have a limit. 

So, we can consider the possible structure of the universe as matter, with life as a more complex organization of matter, and “mind” as a more complex organization of life.   

We will leave out "Spirit/Source" for now...  

This creature, Homo sapiens, is imbedded in a larger universe of other like and unlike creatures and, perhaps, higher intelligences, as of yet, unrecognized. 

Now, we can ask the question:  Does consciousness end at the skin? 

Dean Radin concludes that the experimental evidence is enough to be considered scientific “proof” at the 6-sigma level. 

And, much has been written about this topic, perhaps still very controversial.  Again, I refer you to the writings of Larry Dossey, his books, and articles in the journal Explore, and Lynne McTaggart's books. 

The answer to this question separates us almost as much as the current political spectrum :-D    

Perhaps, we can see this as a connection between individuals at the innermost, below quantum particles, as well as the larger universe of beings. 

Oliver Brabant illustrated this like so:

As in the novel Flatland, we can only perceive a small slice of reality.  A 3-dimensional being would be seen as a slice of reality in our 2-dimensional world, and this being could disappear into another world as if by magic. 

Physicist Brian Greene suggests that our universe is actually a holographic projection of information on the surface of a black hole. 

Perhaps, we are 3-dimensional beings, with a perceived 4th dimension we call time.

However, this is not the complete truth, space-time is 4 dimensional. 

And this is still not the whole truth, as superstring theory postulates 10 or 11 dimensions.

My conclusion during this meditation is that we are too primitive, and too 3-dimensional, to ever fully understand reality. 

However, during meditation, and for some, during entheogen experiences, we can feel that this 3-or 4-dimensional reality is too small to be the whole truth.   We can open the reducing valve to see a larger slice of reality. 

It is interesting that Einstein came to similar conclusions as the Buddhist philosopher Alan Watts, that we are deeply interconnected. 

I have written before about my concept of consciousness.  

That this body/brain/mind is a receiver for a small slice of reality. 

Perhaps, more importantly is the question:  How does this knowledge help us to live better? 

I see this connection beyond the skin may lead to:

1-Greater compassion, when we feel that we are connected to everyone and everything.  Everyone is in our family.   And, everyone is doing the best they can, under their particular circumstances. 

2-Living more gently on the earth, when we realize that how we live now is not sustainable. 

3-A sense of humor, that we are primitive creatures trying to survive, and understand reality, in the best way that we can. 

4-Opening up to the wonder and mystery of a universe we can never completely understand. 

5-Perhaps, within this reality, there are ways and methods of healing ourselves and others that are still undiscovered. 


Saturday, October 15, 2016

This Most Precious Gift

Can we get to this point? 

Let us start with our intimate partner. 

Can we hold this person as our most precious gift? 

Whether we are with them for 8 days or 80 years… 

They are a gift. 

When it is 8 days, we have been given a lesson of relationship. 

Maybe they are so damaged that we realize that they cannot be our partner for any longer than these 8 days…    

That is still practicing radical acceptance. 

We accept that they are doing the best they can. 

They looked attractive at the time…  

But, we soon learned that this would not be a healthy relationship for ourselves. 

Or, perhaps, we were “dumped.” 

Can we learn from this?

Have we been damaged in some significant way that we were at fault… 

That we were just too difficult to be with any longer… 

And, maybe something in between… 

Perhaps, both our desires and needs just were not met. 

Perhaps that “one fight” was not tolerable… 

My therapist showed me that there really was only one fight in a relationship… 

It can morph into all sorts of fights… 

But, can you drill down to that one basic difference, that one thing that is a point of conflict? 

Perhaps one person is practicing radical acceptance, and the other is not. 

Perhaps one partner is insecure and must start fights in order to feel loved… 

To constantly test the other… 

If we can get to this point of radical acceptance, maybe we can make it to that 80 years together… 

Doesn’t mean you have to like everything about your intimate partner… 

But, you have to love that whole package… 

You love it all…   

what you like, and what you don’t… 

And, what you don’t, is likely the area you need to do your own work… 

Often we “project” our inner conflicts and dislike of those parts of ourselves, on our partner… 

For more, see this Blog entry and the others, parts 2-5 on conscious relationship… 

Let us take this a step further! 

Can we radically accept all parts of ourselves, and the world?  

Can we accept everyone is doing the best they can?

Even the most horrid individuals… 

Perhaps this radical acceptance might even be most difficult for ourselves… 

Dropping that inner critic, that second arrow… 

Loving everything, just as it is…   

And then… 

Working for change… 

Change in ourselves… 

Change in the world… 

Little steps 

toward evolution 

to a higher… 

more accepting level… 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Disease or Gift

Perhaps both


Maybe this is where we were in the past

Maybe this is where we can go in the future

In other cultures schizophrenia is viewed as a gift

Perhaps with a connection to information, unseen or unheard by others

Fibromyalgia, a disease with intense pain and, often, chronic fatigue

Develops mostly in women

Develops mostly in highly sensitive individuals

Perhaps if we saw this sensitivity as a gift

Put this sensitivity to good use

A person sensitive to the emotions of others may be a help to others

In our current culture we “pull ourselves up by the bootstraps.” 

We have to be tough

Sensitive people “need not apply…” 
Sensitive people often end up being abused 

Women, in particular, are expected to do for everyone else

Before taking care of their own needs 

Can we change this love for tough-ness

Can we make room in society for everyone… 

Can we see the gifts that might be brought…     

To the table of our family… 

Instead of pouring money

Down the drain

Using medicines with so many side effects

Often, not very effective

Can we find ways to allow almost all of us to be productive members 

To offer the powerful, unique gifts

We each can bring

Making room at the table… 

For all…  
