What are the parts of love?
Perhaps gratitude, forgiveness, kindness.
Love as a verb?
Practicing gratitude as love.
Gratitude for everything that is given to us, both large and
Gratitude for being alive in this body-mind.
Practicing forgiveness as love.
Forgiveness for perceived transgressions.
Forgiveness is not forgetting.
Could it be that people are doing the best they can?
Can we practice radical acceptance?
Yet some individuals need to be kept in places where they
cannot harm others.
That is also part of radical acceptance.
Can we turn forgiveness into gratitude?
Perhaps that might be too hard for some…
Practicing kindness as love.
Even tough love can be done with kindness.
What about love as a feeling?
Love for our children, for our life partners, for our
dearest friends…
Maybe love as feeling connected.
Is love the opposite of loneliness?
Ultimately, we are Love.
We are Source.
We are the embodiments, and the emmindments of Source.
Source appreciating Itself.
All the Beauty…
All the Ugliness…
Wisdom arises…
Putting back on that overcoat of ego.
Walking in the world...
Practicing Compassion, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Kindness…
Thank you
for walking with me….