Sunday, August 17, 2014


I am always fascinated by the human mind.

This morning I was away from home, at my sister’s, reading Stan Grof’s “Realms of the Human Unconscious.”  Particularly, I was contemplating his “COEX systems” theory.  These are “systems of condensed experiences.”  He came up with this theory after guiding thousands of LSD treatments, mostly with psychiatric patients. 

These are related experiences from perinatal, infancy, and throughout an entire life that have an emotional theme.  Although there are positive COEX systems, Grof focuses on those with associated negative emotion, often due to humiliation, guilt, emotional deprivation, or violence of many types.  Grof connects these experiences to certain defense mechanisms. 

The second thoughts that came up for me was my wife’s experiences during guided shamanic journeying.  Her guide felt connections to past ancestors that needed to be severed.  These connections were not serving my wife at this time.  That led to my own journeying to cut unhelpful connections to my past ancestry. 

The third feeling that came up for me was there also must be connections to future beings.  This might even be through various parallel universes (Scientific Heretic!). 
See my varieties of human unconscious in here: 

Even further, in this life we are beings that have various connections to people we might see daily, to people we see less frequently, to memories of people dead or long out of contact.  These days we have connections through social media, as well as general media information of many sorts. 

Now this was getting complicated! 

Two questions then came up: 
1-Which connections have the greatest influence on our current unfolding life? 
2-How do we deal with negative influences? 

Personally, for number 2, I have used regularly to semi-regularly, exercise, meditation, shamanic journeying, psychotherapy, acupuncture, massage, and energy work. 

There is new and interesting data on the use of entheogens, such as LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, ibogaine, dimethyltryptamine, and MDMA, for accelerating psychotherapy through better accessing unconscious information.   

I will sit with further contemplation and possible answers. 
Take this blog as seed planting, both for you and for me. 

Let us see what will unfold…

Friday, August 15, 2014



This Precious One Life

And an Other






This gift


Touching her skin

The memory

Touching her heart

Always with me


There is truly no


Source may hide

But Source

Also gives

This gift

This pleasure

Of being

Of doing

Resting near her


This most precious being


To travel with me



Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hotel Rooms

After 12 hours driving

Thinking about the drive

Thinking about the destination

Six hours more in the morning

A little rain

A little construction
Listening to a pretty good book on CD

Snacking on fruit and other travel food

Occasionally just driving

Listening to the mind

Taking breaks

Peeing out, coffee refill, gassing up

Landing in a hotel

Doing email

Catching up on clinical questions

Drinking wine and eating chocolate

Video Google chat with my life partner

Playing a little guitar

Thinking about the special people in my life

The good work that unfolds before me

Feeling lucky

Desire arises

Looking at desire

Sitting with desire

Letting go

Letting go

Letting go

Everything unfolds

In its own time

Exactly as it will


Despite a desire for things

To be


Than what they are
A smile arises

Laughter arises

Thank you Source

We are given

Exactly what we need

For growth

For evolution

Holding with grace

Only love arises